
My name is Lenti Fruszina, and I'm a Frontend developer at the Indent Studio



My name is Lenti Fruszina, and I'm a Frontend developer at Indent Studio.

I live here:

Budapest (HU)

I use these:

iPhone, MacBook Air

My workplace:

Work from home, sometimes in a coffeshop.

What do you do besides work:

I usually go to the gym and do some workout.

One word that describes your work style:


When and how did you start in IT?

In 2015, I studied programming in Denmark, majoring in ICT engineering.

How is your day at Indent Studio?

I wake up in the morning and get a huge mug of coffe, after this morning routine process I am fine, so i can get to work.

What surprised you the most at Indent Studio?

It was surprising that there really were no useless meetings.

What do you like most about your job?

When you get the flow in codeing.

Why do you think it's worth working at Indent Studio?

Projects and tasks are good.

What does your workplace look like? What does your table look like?

Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 13.41.30 - Fruzsi Lenti.png