
My name is Der Adam, and I'm a Full-stack developer at Indent Studio.



My name is Der Adam, and I'm a Full-stack developer at Indent Studio.

I live here:

Budapest (HU)

I use these:

Apple Mac mini M1, Windows, Android ect..

My workplace:


What do you do besides work:

Spending quality time with my daughter, beside this I am a rock climber so usually climb around Europe and in my home country.

One word that describes your work style:


When and how did you start in IT?

It started almost 3 years ago. I signed up for the Career change 1.0 goverment program in my hometown and half a year later, I was admitted to the CodeCool programming school with a scholarship, and from then on the way, there was no stopping.

How is your day at Indent Studio?

At 9 a.m. we start with a quick team stand-up, who did and what yesterday, what are the plans for the current day, discussion with the Lead Developer if there is any blocker, then I actually jump on one of the projects and code for a few hours. In the afternoon, a light and quick lunch +coffe, short siesta, then I continue with the given tasks, until around 5-6 o'clock. Once a week there is a Dev meeting where we all get together and discuss a selected topic related to development.

What surprised you the most at Indent Studio?

I never thought that I could work on such diverse projects, even on several projects at the same time, getting to know different technologies. PRO: There are no unnecessary meetings that just waste time.

What do you like most about your job?

What I love about it is that it's extremely versatile.

Why do you think it's worth working at Indent Studio?

  • Because you can take part in a constant variety of projects.
  • You can try yourself in several areas, from mobile app development through backend to testing.
  • Family friendly
  • Usually every month there is a good team building where we get together and let loose a little by discussing the big things of life :)

What does your workplace look like? What does your table look like?

desktop - Adam Der.jpg